Foam extinguishing systems

Dur­ing a fire, foam ex­tin­guish­ing sys­tems dis­trib­ute large-scale foam blankets via foam mon­it­ors, sprink­lers or nozzles. The foam is ap­plied to the burn­ing ma­ter­ial, ex­tin­guishes the fire and serves as a de­terrent against  re­igni­tion. Foam ex­tin­guish­ing sys­tems are suit­able for pro­tect­ing high-risk areas, e.g. due to flam­mable li­quids or plastics. The ad­justable low to ex­tremely high foam­ing op­tion of­fers an op­timum ex­tin­guish­ing ef­fect for every type of risk.

Flex­ible com­pon­ents for our foam ex­tin­guish­ing sys­tems with a versatile foaming agent range,Minimax offers safe and flexible application . Perfectly aligned cpmponents are supplied in line with the individial needs of clients and according to respective fire protection requirments.

Foam sprink­lers and nozzles: Minimax spe­cial­ises in stain­less steel nozzles for low ex­pan­sion foam ex­tin­guish­ing sys­tems. As an ex­clus­ive man­u­fac­turer, Minimax sup­plies sprink­lers for the pro­duc­tion of low ex­pan­sion foam. Sprink­lers are gen­er­ally used in stor­age areas. Nozzles are best suited for the pro­tec­tion of filling sta­tions and filling tank vehicles or for pro­tect­ing ob­jects, as with hy­draulic units or as in­door pro­tec­tion in drum stores.

Foam maker/foam cham­ber/foam pourer: These three co­ordin­ated com­pon­ents com­prise the spe­cially de­signed “Tank­ Foam RTK” kit for pro­tect­ing flam­mable li­quids in fixed roof tanks. It is used to gen­er­ate low ex­pan­sion foam, for which all com­mon foam­ing agent con­cen­trates can be used.

Foam mon­itor: The foam mon­itor is for ex­ternal use, to fight fires from a safe dis­tance and to pre­vent­at­ively cool   ob­jects at risk of catch­ing fire. De­pend­ing on the ver­sion the mon­itor can be aligned with the tar­get manu­ally, elec­tric­ally or hy­draul­ic­ally by re­mote con­trol.

High ex­pan­sion foam gen­er­ator: Gen­er­at­ors pro­duce high ex­pan­sion foam, which is used to pro­tect stor­age areas. Foam floods the en­tire room and de­prives the fire of oxy­gen by dis­pla­cing air some­what like a car­bon di­ox­ide          ex­tin­guish­ing sys­tems.

Dir­ect Alarm foam: These com­pon­ents make alarm test­ing easy. Weekly tests are car­ried out with water from the pump dis­trib­utor be­fore the pro­por­tioner. A foam/water mix does not have to be dis­charged and dis­posed of.

Foam­ing agent con­cen­trate: The foam­ing agent range in­cludes a large num­ber of pro­tein and syn­thetic foam­ing agents. Foam­ing agents are avail­able for all solid, li­quid and al­co­hol/ solvent fires.



To gen­er­ate foam, a pro­por­tion­ally con­stant quant­ity of foam­ing agent is added to the water flow using a mix­ing device. The water/foam­ing agent mix cre­ated is frothed up with air in down­stream foam gen­er­at­ors and then ap­plied on the burn­ing ob­ject using the dis­per­sion method best suited to the risk type.

Ap­plic­a­tions for foam ex­tin­guish­ing sys­tems

Stor­age fa­cil­it­ies, in­cin­er­a­tion plants, re­finer­ies or plastics/tyre de­pots have one thing in com­mon: they pose a spe­cial risk. When flam­mable li­quids or plastics catch fire, the fire spreads very quickly and toxic com­bus­tion gases are emit­ted. This res­ults in dam­ages that cost mil­lions as well as en­vir­on­mental pol­lu­tion.

Foam ex­tin­guish­ing sys­tems are the most ef­fect­ive fire pro­tec­tion for this risk area, par­tic­u­larly in the fire cat­egor­ies A and B. In case of fire, foam maker, foam mon­it­ors, sprink­lers or nozzles are used, de­pend­ing on the area of  ap­plic­a­tion, in order to dis­perse the foam over large areas. This en­sures that the fire can be fought quickly, safely and in an en­vir­on­ment­ally friendly man­ner.

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