
Halocarbon extinguishing systems fight fires using the chemical extinguishant Novec™1230 3M™ or MX200 with      the chemical extinguishant HFC-227ea. This extinguishant       is neither corrosive nor electrically conductive.                        It is thus especially suitable for protecting rooms containing electric  and electronic equipment. The systems extinguish fires without leaving residue, while offering a high level of personal and environmental protection at the same time.            They are particularly suitable for the protection of small and
medium-sized rooms, and the extinguishing agent can be stored compactly, either inside the room or in another area. 


The sys­tems provide an ex­cel­lent ex­tin­guish­ing ef­fect in rooms with elec­tronic and elec­trical equip­ment

The ex­tin­guish­ing agent is neither cor­ros­ive nor elec­tric­ally con­duct­ive, leaves no residue and can eas­ily be re­moved from the space in ques­tion through vent­il­a­tion

The Novec 1230 as well as HFC-227ea ex­tin­guish­ing agent is also suit­able for zones that are fre­quen­ted by people and have a very high en­vir­on­mental com­pat­ib­il­ity

Op­er­at­ing pres­sures up to 50 bars allow for more ex­tens­ive pipe­work and stor­age of the ex­tin­guish­ing agent out­side the pro­tec­ted area

Through cost-ef­fect­ive multi-zone sys­tems, a single stock of ex­tin­guish­ing agent is suf­fi­cient to cover sev­eral zones

Through cost-ef­fect­ive multi-zone sys­tems, a single stock of ex­tin­guish­ing agent is suf­fi­cient to cover sev­eral zones

Design of Halo­car­bon ex­tin­guish­ing sys­tems

Multi-zone sys­tems are very sim­ilar to single-zone sys­tems, ex­cept that they use a com­mon stock of ex­tin­guish­ing agent to pro­tect all rooms. In the event of a fire, the fire de­tec­tion and ex­tin­guish­ing con­trol panel con­trols spe­cific se­lector valves. These valves re­lease the ex­tin­guish­ing agent only into the ex­tin­guish­ing zones af­fected by the fire.

The re­quired quant­ity of ex­tin­guish­ing agent is al­ways cal­cu­lated in re­la­tion to the most significant pro­tec­ted space. If a smal­ler space is af­fected by the fire, only as much ex­tin­guish­ing agent as is re­quired is re­leased to ex­tin­guish the fire in this space. Due to the re­serve of ex­tin­guish­ing agent, the fire ex­tin­guish­ing ca­pa­city of the sys­tem is guar­an­teed even after the ex­tin­guish­ing sys­tem has been triggered – provid­ing con­tinu­ous, un­in­ter­rup­ted op­er­a­tion.

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